Dear Parents and Carers,
Each year we teach the children relationship and sexuality education (RSE) applicable to their age and stage. These lessons will take place between now and the end of the school year.
Please find attached a video to explain what this looks like in years 1-3 and 4-6
Y1 to 3
Y4 to 6
It is advisable to talk further with your children at home to allow them a chance to ask questions and to share your own family values and perspectives. This is best done when questions arise from your child or when your child has RSE lessons.
For Years 1 to 3, the lessons are taught across the year. For Y4 to 6, we dedicated set times because there is more content to cover
Y4 5th to 16th May
Y5 24th Feb to 7th March
Y6 6th to 17th Jan
Andy Thompson